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    Revolutionising Tirak Hoists: Our Custom Solutions for Burdekin Bridge in Queensland

    The iconic Burdekin Bridge is a crucial infrastructure that connects communities and drives economic growth in North Queensland, Australia. Standard Access’ custom-engineered access solutions offer several site benefits. Benefits such as increased safety, reliability, and efficiency of the Tirak hoists at the Burdekin Bridge. These solutions ensure the continued safety and reliability of the bridge for the community and local economy. What this leads to is reduced maintenance costs, fewer equipment failures, and increased productivity.

    Located in a tropical climate with extreme weather conditions, the bridge is vulnerable to heavy rainfall and tropical cyclones. The service provider of the Bridge, approached Standard Access to solve the problem of corrosion on the steel structure and gantry equipment.

    Revolutionising Burdekin Bridge’s Safety & Reliability With Custom-Engineered Solutions

    After conducting an on-site review. Standard Access identified the challenges in keeping the gantry operational. We then implemented custom-engineered solutions that offer several site benefits, for instance:

    • Ensure the reliability of the hoist and prevent unexpected downtime.
      The application of Alu Corrosive Paste/Sealant between the Motor Flange and Gear Box was undertaken. This was to protect the metal components from corrosion, extending their lifespan by sealing them against contamination.
    • Reducing maintenance, costs and downtime.
      Anode Blocks, which act as a sacrificial anode and absorb corrosive agents, protect metal structures from corrosion, preserving the integrity of the metal. Drain Hole in Main Casing prevents internal contamination and extends the lifespan of the hoist while maintaining its performance
    • Prevent unexpected equipment failures and safety hazards.
      Alu Spray Protection on Entire Hoist/Blocstop prevents contamination. It also maintains the structural integrity and reliability of the machines, ensuring safe and efficient operation.
    • Improved safety, extending the equipment’s lifespan and saving money.
      Rubber Sleeves around Electro Brake Disc reduce contamination on the brake disc and maintains its performance. Whilst implementing a servicing program every 6 months ensures the equipment remains in good working condition and enables the detection and resolution of any weather or corrosion-related issues before they become major safety and expenditure problems.

    Improved Flexibility & Reduced Downtime: Plug Connection Upgrade

    In addition, Standard Access converted the hard wiring of the hoist to a plug connection, providing significant time and cost savings during maintenance and servicing. The plug connection enables quick change-outs and easy disconnection, reducing downtime and improving maintenance and repair capabilities. This upgrade ensures a safer and more flexible hoist, leading to increased productivity and fewer safety hazards.

    Don’t Compromise. Go With Standard Access

    Don’t compromise on the safety and reliability of crucial infrastructure like the Burdekin Bridge. Contact Standard Access today to learn more about how their custom-engineered access solutions can benefit your site and ensure the continued safety and productivity of your operations.

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