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    Standard Access Provides Hoist Operator Solutions To The Market

    When it comes to hoist operator solutions, there are many risks associated with construction companies, developers and maintenance service providers, which operate in high-risk facilities. As a danger to the health and safety of operators, these jobs can be costly, require high levels of training and must be completed with unmatched detail and care to prevent accidents. However, it can put companies largely out of pocket to train and prepare staff to work with hoisting operations and solutions, especially if this is
    only a rare occurrence for the company in question.

    To alleviate risk and help all companies save time and money, the team at Standard Access has listened to the frustrations of workers, construction company owners and foremen, and now offers a high-value solution. This involves allowing any company that has purchased or rented their Hoisting Equipment or plans to do so in the future, to also hire a trained hoist operator that will work on their site throughout the build.

    Opting to hire a hoist operator via Standard Access has already provided peace of mind to a host of companies and can assist
    yours through…

    Less Downtime, Fewer Costs, Less Management.

    A highly trained hoist operator has worked with Standard Access equipment numerous times in the past. Though the machinery is unlikely to break down, these hoist operators are much more likely to diagnose any issues that may be slowing the efficiency of the construction process. This can put all equipment back into action quicker, save the cost of calling out a technician and prevent any downtime that could impede the completion of a job.

    Where required, all Standard Access hoist operators can also contact the Standard Access team on your behalf and work through all mechanical fixes to get all equipment working to its full potential again. They are also more than happy to help with the coordination of site erections to guarantee the construction job is completed as efficiently as possible.

    When a hoist operator is not needed for lifting purposes, they are also trained in general labour and can help clean the site and complete odd jobs to speed up the process.

    Up to $5,000 Savings in Cleaning and Damage Costs

    All those who hire a hoist operator will also receive a plant cleaning waiver for all personnel & material hoists, which ensures that the operator or Standard Access takes full responsibility for the cleaning process. This will save construction companies and business owners thousands of dollars in their own cleaning supplies or resources. Not only this, but it means that workers can spend more time focusing on the job at hand, rather than keeping machinery clean.

    Businesses will also receive a damage waiver, which covers them in the event of damage to the machinery, if the damage was at the fault of the Standard Access hoist operator. This will guarantee that all maintenance responsibilities fall in the hand of the Standard Access teams and responsible parties, and will not impede the profits of your job.

    On-Site OHS Safety is Upheld with our Hoist Operator Solutions

    One of the most difficult parts of hiring new equipment is operating it safely. As many workers on the site may not have experience operating Standard Access Products, they may accidentally do so in a way that is unsafe and can risk the health of those at work.

    All hoist operators provided by Standard Access will have up-to-date OHS training to make certain that the safety and integrity of your site are upheld. They will all be required to fill out a digital logbook on a daily, weekly and monthly schedule, as well, to guarantee that all servicing requirements are met, and the safety of the working machinery is maintained. With training on due diligence and the importance of upholding safety, all operators are passionate about taking reasonable steps to prevent the implications of negligence or working unsafely.

    The hoist operators are trained in fire fighting and first aid to assist with any unforeseen issues that may arise on your site.

    Committed to the Best Service

    The team at Standard Access is passionate about providing lifting and hosting solutions that make a difference to those working on or maintaining construction sites. With readily available services for companies to choose from, they have a range of solutions available to suit every job’s needs.

    If you are interested in hiring a hoist operator to speed up efficiency, reduce costs and maintain your site’s safety, you can always chat with the Standard Access team. They would be happy to recommend the right resources for you and ensure that they are available on your site from the get-go.

    Get in touch today to get started.


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