Blade Maintenance Platform

blade maintenance platform

Wind farms are becoming ever taller. Hardly surprisingly, since the higher the turbine rotors are positioned, the more likely they are to be within a constant air flow affording greater efficiency.

Of course, the height of the masts imposes very special requirements upon manufacturers and operating companies.

For external access to the wind turbine and in particular for inspection and maintenance of the rotor blades, suspended platforms are proving their superiority over other forms of access.

  • Consistently low costs for assembly and dismantling due to minimum
  • installation time irrespective of operating height.

  • Independence from cranes or hoists for material transport.
  • Time saving, as the suspended platform always offers an optimum working position.
  • And last, but not least, there is no need for anchoring to the tower.


tech data
Standard Platform

Capacity (2 persons and material)
Total : 300 kg
Per platform section : 150 kg
Dead weight approx. : 1300 kg
Other dimensions on request


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